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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hide / tweak the Firefox download window

Hide / tweak the Firefox download window

Remove that pesky download window that appears after downloading a file by adding the Firefox Download Statusbar Add-on to your browser. Alternatively editing the about:config settings as shown below can also disable this window from being displayed.

  1. Open a new tab in Firefox.
  2. In the address bar type: about:config
  3. Locate by copying and pasting the bold text into the Filter box.
  4. Double-click the name or value to change the value from True to False. Once done close the tab.

If you've hidden your download Window it can still viewed by clicking Tools and then Downloads or pressing Ctrl + J.

Move back faster in your browser

The most commonly used feature in Internet browsers is the back button. However, all browsers also have a small down arrow to the right of thes buttons (as shown in the below picture). This button allows you to easily see the history of the last 5-10 pages you've visited and quickly get back to them. This feature is especially helpful for those pesky pages that forward you back to a page each time you press the back button or for when you wish to move back several pages but don't want to have to press the back button several times.

Browsing only safe Internet web pages

Web of Trust or WOT warning screenConcerned about the safety of web pages you or others are visiting on your computer? Consider installing the free browser add-on WOT (Web of Trust), when installed this free add-on will display a large warning across the window of any web page that has been poorly rated, contains adware, been known to fraudulently charge visitors, contains malware, and/or is otherwise unsafe. This add-on can be downloaded from their web page.

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