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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Helth Tips

Sex need not be an unhealthy activity. With proper caution and prudence, you can enjoy it even as you resist falling to STDs or STIs, especially AIDS and its terrifying runner-up, herpes. If you want to avoid herpes, have only one sex partner. Stay in a long-term monogamous relationship, one in which you are certain of your partner’s fidelity. It is just as important that you and your partner are routinely checked for herpes or any STD for that matter. It makes sense then, that the best way to prevent herpes is to adopt chastity. Refuse all sexual intercourse, even those as relatively trivial as oral sex. Otherwise, use condoms. Apart from being a potent birth control medium, the condom is your best defense against herpes and other STIs.

If anything, choose the right condom. There are condoms for both men and women; both can provide adequate protection against herpes. But latex condoms are the only ones that can do the job. In contrast, animal membrane condoms break easily. Second, condoms must be used correctly. They should provide sufficient coverage for the genital at hand. You may supplement condoms with spermicidal or vaginal creams, especially those with nonoxynol-9.

Third, use condoms consistently. They must be worn throughout the sexual contact. This holds true even if your sex partner does not have visible sores or blisters. Sometimes, people do not exhibit symptoms but are herpes carriers all the same. As such, carriers are responsible for warning their partners about the disease.It is important to get in touch with a health care professional once you’ve noticed symptoms of the disease, especially if you’ve experienced fever, headache, vomiting, malaise, muscle aches, reduced appetite, difficulty in urination, and enlargement of the groin.

Blisters and sores are the most telltale sign of a herpes infection and the most urgent signal to contact the doctor. They can be found on the genitals, buttocks, thighs, anus, mouth, tongue, gums, cheeks, nose and other body parts. They are usually small, but they are itchy and bound to ooze with fluid.

A doctor should be able to prescribe antiviral medications, short of a herpes vaccine, for daily intake. This can help truncate a breakout and prevent any more. To some extent, it can also reduce a carrier’s contagiousness. As for expectant mothers, they must be treated during their last month of pregnancy to lessen the odds of a breakout during childbirth. Keep a sore-ridden area clean and dry. Apply cold compresses on it to alleviate the pain. It also helps to bathe only in lukewarm water. Wear loose-fitting cotton clothes thereafter; don’t wear garments made from synthetic materials, e.g. nylon.

Working to stop PE

In any relationship, one of the most frustrating and embarrassing experience any man can suffer from is premature ejaculation, or PE. Sex is and will always be a natural part of any relationship. It is a part of the relationship that actually connects the couple with each other on a more mutual and personal level. So for a man to fail in this area is a huge blow for his self-esteem. A man’s self-confidence depends very much on his ability to make his partner happy especially in the confines of their bedroom. Men suffering from premature ejaculation have a hard time fulfilling the needs of their partners, thereby leading to disdain for sex.

Researchers, as well as doctors, have spent many years and resources finding the best natural solution for premature ejaculation. Many theories and findings have come up, but not all of them apply in general to all men.

For premature ejaculation, natural solution depends on the person because numerous solutions are easily available in the market. One of the most popular natural solutions to PE is the Kegel exercises. The specific aim of the Kegel exercises is to strengthen a man’s Pubococcygeus or PC muscles, especially those that lie on the pelvis floor. It is something that has been proven highly effective in strengthening the muscles around the genital area and it can be achieved only by doing some basic exercises.

By strengthening and gaining control of the PC muscles, men will have the control of the passageway where the sperm must come through, making it easier for them to avoid premature ejaculation altogether. Exercises such as the Kegel are just one of the many medications and treatments available in the market nowadays.

All in all, for stopping premature ejaculation, natural solution such as the Kegel exercises entirely depends on the person doing them. Greater satisfaction in the bedroom can be had by everyone who is willing to work hard to achieve it.

Cryotherapy: Latest Treatment for Prostate Cancer

In the early 90s, a treatment for prostate cancer was introduced; it was called cryosurgery. Today, its proper term is “cryotherapy.” What cryotherapy does is that it gets rid of the cancer by freezing the prostate gland. After the patient gets his anesthesia, the doctor inserts needles of very cold temperatures into the gland through the area between the anus and scrotum called the perineum. The cold temperature needles destroy the prostate and the cancer tissue in it.

Cryotherapy, one of the effective treatments for prostate cancer, utilizes very thin needles to produce ice balls of immense cold temperatures. In inserting the needles through the perineum, the doctor uses ultrasound to accurately guide him in the insertion, as well as to correctly manipulate the shape and size of the ice balls and keep track of the temperature.

The procedure works because as the cells freeze due to the very cold temperatures, ice crystals begin to form in and around them. The process of freezing and thawing damages the cells by means of dehydration, radical changes in pH levels or stopping the flow of red blood cells. Subjecting the gland to extremely cold temperatures, particularly -40 degrees Celsius, can activate an anti-tumor response in the patient’s body.

Cryotherapy, the latest treatment in curing cancer, is an effective primary therapy for men who are diagnosed with one of the early stages of prostate cancer and it reduces the dangers of developing tumors. This is likewise another option for patients who are not qualified to undergo radical prostatectomy. It can also be used when the EBRT fails and the cancer cells in the prostate are unaffected by radiation.

If it proves to be ineffective the first time, the treatment can be repeated. For patients who had the therapy before but failed, they have the alternative of undergoing prostatectomy or radiation therapy. This latest treatment in curing prostate cancer is minimally invasive, so patients experience very little pain or blood loss.

Cryotherapy is a relatively new procedure when compared to radiation therapy. Nonetheless, cryotherapy can be considered one of the best treatments for prostate cancer; it succeeds in treating the cancer, especially those that are radioresistant. There are some physicians who believe that making use of freezing temperatures over strong doses of radiation therapy is more effectual for curing radioresistant prostate cancer.

A Fabulous Breast Enhancement Program

Let’s face facts: breasts have always been an integral factor in defining the beauty of women. This is why many of today’s women are finding ways to enhance their breast size. Some women even resort to wearing push-up or padded bras. However, this still leaves them pondering over the fact that it should be her breasts that’s drawing men’s attention or and not just the padding.

Female celebrities resort to breast ebhancement surgery just to optimize their beauty. However, breast surgery is a very dangerous procedure that is also highly expensive. Oftentimes, the results leave them susceptible to lethal side effects that result to breast implant patients suffering.

Many experience a loss of shape, sensitivity and feel after surgery. In addition to this, implants may also be a big hindrance to breast feeding, and they can likewise cause detection problems of tumors and wounds that may lead to cancer. Another thing that breast implant patients should dread is eventual rupture. No implants lasts forever, and any leak and/or break can damage tissues due as a result of foreign contents inside the implants.

So what options are there that do not result to hazards caused by surgery? By now, many people have heard about a truly amazing innovative discovery in the study of breast enhancement. The media has raved about this natural way to Breast enhancement. What could be a more appropriate response for the needs of today’s women than a secure and efficient fabulous breast enhancement program? All natural breast enhancement methods are the only accurate and successful option to replace the hazardous breast augmentation surgery.

Breast Actives is one of the top natural breast enhancers that are renowned for their fast and effective results. Breast Actives has the finest natural breast enhancement programs that feature exceptional natural supplements and exercise methods. Breast Actives natural supplements offer nutrients and breast enhancing hormones that are from studied and well-affirmed herbs. Outstanding results from this fabulous breast enhancement program have been reported from users – that their breast shape and size have enhanced in substantial measures. The innovative training programs works well with proper supplements and an all-natural cream applied to the breasts once a day, specifically in the morning.

If you want to enhance your breasts with no worries, then do it the natural way with the fabulous Breast Actives Programs.

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